Small in Size. Big in Irritation. Our Ant Extermination Helps.

The food inside your home or business attracts ants. Invading tiny cracks to breach your foundation, they leave scent trails for colonies to follow their lead. All of a sudden, a full-blown ant infestation has occurred.

Don’t rely on ineffective DIY ant killers. Leave it to our ant control and ant removal specialists instead. Ants will never stop trying to get into your home or business. That’s why our team is equipped with industry leading ant treatments that destroy ant nests and prevent ants returning.

We provide industry-leading residential and commercial ant control, permanently removing ants so you can love your space again. Whether you need carpenter ant control, pavement ant control or pharaoh ant control, we can help.

How Our Ant Control Works

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! We use tried-and-tested methods of ant control to deliver the effective results you expect.

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Step 1 Ant Inspection
On your initial service, we'll hunt high and low for ants, documenting our findings in a comprehensive inspection.
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Step 2 Ant Defence
We’ll treat the interior and exterior of your home or business, targeting the ants you see and the ones you don’t. Outside, we’ll establish an effective perimeter around your property.
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Step 3 Ant Monitoring
During ongoing service treatments, we’ll come back to treat outside your home or business, fortifying the perimeter to keep you protected. Our custom ant treatments adapt with the seasons to address seasonal ant activity in your area. This way, you’re protected all year long.

Frequently Asked Questions

Helping homeowners get rid of ants for over 90 years, Terminix Canada succeeds where many fail with their ineffective, DIY ant repellents.

Homemade ant killers and DIY ant traps aren’t nearly as effective as our solutions. We use professional ant baits, ant traps, gel-based ant pesticides, and interior/exterior chemical spray.

Pharaoh ants are active year-round whereas carpenter ants are active in February, March, April, May, June, July, August and September. Pavement ants appear the least for a period of six months from April to September. Fire ants’ peak activity takes place in spring and fall while red harvester ants typically swarm in late summer.

It all depends on the species. The most destructive is the carpenter ant. If infestations go untreated, they can cause structural damage to your home over time since they nest in wood. If you’re wondering how to get rid of carpenter ants, wonder no more and call Terminix Canada. Elsewhere, the tiniest species, pharaoh ants, build nests in high-traffic areas like the walls, cabinets, and refrigerator insulation in your kitchen. As for red harvester ants, they excavate bare areas of soil in your backyard. Ultimately, all ants are searching for food. Therefore, these pests make your food preparation spaces unsanitary.

Ants are always hunting for food sources. Whether it’s a mere pet food crumb, a rogue piece of fruit or a dirty kitchen countertop, ants will breach the tiny gaps in your home to find their way to food.

There are many ant control methods out there to get rid of ants. Things you can do every day include keeping home surfaces clean, storing food in sealed containers, and sealing cracks and gaps in your foundation.

For a more permanent ant control or insect control solutions, call Terminix Canada. Not only are our ant baits, ant traps and gel-based ant pesticides safe, they are proven ant killers. Our professional ant exterminators will see your ant infestation crawl away for good.

If you’re wondering how to get rid of ants in the kitchen, it’s first important to understand why they’re attracted to your kitchen in the first place. Ants are equipped with odour detectors, which allow them to quickly and efficiently sniff out potential sources of food, no matter how tiny.

Got small ants in the kitchen? The common household ants infesting your kitchen likely belong to one of four species of tiny ant. These are the little black ant, the pharaoh ant, the odorous house ant, or the pavement ant. All four ants are truly tiny, with workers averaging around one-eighth of an inch in length. Each of these ant species are also extremely opportunistic and may establish true colonies indoors.

Secondly, ants need water too. Water regularly enters and leaves your kitchen. Even just a minor leak around a faucet or a poorly draining dishwasher may leave your kitchen vulnerable to tiny invading ants. In short, damp wood or condensation provides enough moisture for ants to quench their thirst.

To help remove ants, you should make sure to wipe down your countertops and other surfaces daily. You should also be removing any accessible garbage or green bin waste from your kitchen. For those with garbage disposal systems, run them long enough to ensure all food waste has been ground up and flushed away.

We understand how difficult it can be to keep your home perfectly clean 100% of the time. However, what may look like nothing to the human eye can result in a delicious feast for an ant. By cleaning up and wiping down surfaces daily, you can help keep ants out of your kitchen.

If wondering what is the best way to get rid of ants, then follow the below steps:

  • 1Seal off all points of entry

    Ants are extremely tiny insects and can get into your home through tiny cracks or gaps in windows, doors and your foundation. Seal these cracks off as soon as you can to keep ants out.

  • 2Clean up any messes quickly

    Immediately clear dinner plates after eating and wipe away any crumbs or left-over messes on dining room tables, kitchen counters and the ground.

  • 3Store food in airtight containers

    Ants adore ripe fruits and vegetables. If you leave food exposed to the air, ants can sniff it out and will follow the smell.

  • 4Clean pet food bowls

    Ants are not picky. They will eat whatever food they can find, and that includes Fido’s. Between pet meals, make sure their dishes are cleaned up, as well as the floor around their bowls.

  • 5Maintain outdoor areas

    To help keep ants out of your home, make sure your outdoor areas are maintained by trimming any trees or bushes that may be touching your home and sealing up any cracks or gaps.


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